aye ayes

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DuMond Conservancy for Primates and Tropical Forests
Although there are other nocturnal primates, ( e.g. the aye-ayes from Madagascar described in the summer issue of Positively Primates), they all live in Africa ...

Earth Witness Community - Books About Extinct Species and Lost Places
Komodo dragon, and others hold for human beings. When Life Nearly Died ...

Games, Animal Stories, Photos, Videos, Activities, and More!--National Geographic Kids
Aye-Ayes: Creatures of the Night The aye-aye's odd-looking fingers, pointy teeth, big eyes, and huge ears give some people the creeps. Seeing an aye-aye ... aye-ayes on sight, hoping to prevent anything "evil" from happening. The aye-aye ...

Daubentoniidae : the aye-aye
Aye-ayes have large, naked, mobile ears, a muzzle that is shorter than that of most lemurs but longer than lorises, and large eyes with yellowish brown irises. The forefeet of aye-ayes ... aye-ayes are usually seen singly or in pairs. They occasionally emit brief cries but are usually silent. The fossil record of aye-ayes extends to the Pleistocene. HOME Primates Primate FAQ Primate Species Aye-aye ...

Mouse Lemurs Lemuridae: Lemurs Megaladapidae: Sportive and Weasel Lemurs Indriidae: Avahi, Sifakas, and Indri Daubentoniidae: Aye-ayes Tarsiidae: Tarsiers Callitrichidae: Marmosets, or Tamarins Cebidae: New World Monkeys Cercopithecidae: Old World Monkeys Hylobatidae ...

Conservation International - Lemurs
Aye-Ayes Long considered a harbinger of evil among Malagasy villagers, one look at the aye-aye and you will know why. Ring-tailed Lemurs ...