bacterial leaching

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Results 1 - 10 from 21 for bacterial leaching in 0.286 sec.

BIOMINET Proceedings : Mining Effluent Technologies
(P.B. Marchant et. al.) Comparative economics of bacterial leaching and roasting for an auriferous pyrite concentrate (S.R. Gilbert et. al.) ... November 4, 1987 Bacterial Leaching: Update on uranium leaching at Denison Mines (A. Marchbank) Fungicides for controlling fungal contamination during leaching (G. Ferroni) Complex sulphide base metal leaching and economics (I ...

January 2003 ABSTRACT Hydrometallurgical methods for preparation of refractory arsenopyrite concentrates to cyanidation using bacterial leaching and chemical decomposition have been investigated. After cyanide or non-cyanide gold dissolution, the complexes ...

Freshwater Website: Informational Resources and Services (Glossary)
L lagoon - (1) A shallow pond where sunlight, bacterial action, and oxygen work to purify wastewater. (2) A shallow body of water, often separated ... pool or pond; a body of water filling a depression in the earth's surface. leaching - The removal of soluble organic and inorganic substances from the topsoil downward by the action ...

MDAG Case Study 15
However, this is not correct and does not affect results significantly (our November ...

This can often lead to leaching of ... to 50°C), temperatures outside this range will slow bacterial growth. However, the absorbent will maintain its encapsulation characteristic, preventing leaching, until the microbes become active again. Oil Gator ...

Specialized Services - Mining Effluent Technologies at CANMET-MMSL
Canada is estimated at between $2 billion and $5 billion. Mine sites that use bacterial oxidation and leaching to recover metals also need reliable technologies to shut down these biooxidation systems. ... can also provide estimates of the numbers of bacteria present. Scientists can also perform bacterial enzyme assays. It is thought that by integrating both chemical and biological information from ...

In this respect, the quality of process water available with particular reference ...

Rainwater Harvesting: Comparing Storage Solutions ::
Liners are not food grade quality and may in fact be made to retard bacterial growth in the pool and can be toxic. 3) Large diameters of these pools are ... poured concrete is that the concrete will over time decrease the corrosiveness of rainwater by leaching into the water. This advantage of concrete tanks results in a desirable taste imparted to ...

Minerals Engineering International Online - Publications: Book Reviews
Divided into six topics: Innovation in the Hydrometallurgical processing of sulfides (7 papers) Ore Leaching Operations (6 papers) Innovation and Development of New Processes (8 papers) Optimization and ... and nickel can be recovered from waste solution by precipitation with H2S generated by bacterial action of elemental sulfur. Four industrial plants are actually using this technology. Arsenic ...

Metafix Effects of pH
The pH is affected by the level of bacterial activity, DO level, water turbulence and various chemicals in runoff flowing into the water. pH ... move soil pH out of that range, it can hamper plant growth. Acidic waste promotes leaching of metals, because most metals are more soluble under acidic conditions than neutral or alkaline ...

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