duck pato

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Southeastern Arizona Bird Observatory: Checklist of the Birds of Rancho Aribabi, Sonora
Duck (Pato Arco Iris) - 1,2,6 Gadwall (Pato Friso) - 1 American Wigeon (Pato Americano o Pato Chalcuán) - 1 Mallard, "Mexican" (Pato Mexicano) - 1,6 Cinnamon Teal (Cerceta Canela) - 1 Northern Shoveler (Pato ...

Asian Horses
Colors of horses: a light cream steed was called by the Spaniards 'huevo de pato' ie duck's egg. The black horse was called zaino in Spain, and said to be bad ...

MEXonline: The Mexican Kitchen - Food & Beverages of Mexico
Goat Carne de Res: Beef Carnero: Lamb Hígado: Liver Jamón: Ham Lengua: Tongue Pavo: Turkey Pato: Duck Pollo: Chicken Puerco: Pork Salchicha: Sausage Ternera: Veal Tocino: Bacon (sometimes salted pork) Pescado y ...