exposure rate

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Results 1 - 10 from 338 for exposure rate in 0.497 sec.

Radiation Safety Resources
Seven (7) hours after treatment, the exposure rate is 17 mR/hr at stomach level and 20 microR/hr (twice background) at 30 feet. Exposure rate at chest level after 2 days ... After 3 weeks, exposure rates are indistiquishable from background. Measurements were taken with a Bicron microrem meter. Charts of exposure rate vs. time and distance. Calculate Your Annual Radiation Exposure by answering a ...

Human Health Risk Assessment Protocol - 2005 Final U.S. EPA-OSW HHRAP
ISCST3 model input files, ISCST3 model execution, use of modeled output, modeling fugitive emissions and modeling acute risk. Chapter 4: (82kb) Exposure ... fish. Chapter 6: (138kb) Quantifying Exposure with generic exposure rate equations, consumption rate, exposure frequency and duration, averaging time ...

Human Health Risk Assessment Protocol - 1998 Draft U.S. EPA-OSW HHRAP
ISCST3 model input files, ISCST3 model execution, use of modeled output, modeling fugitive emissions and modeling acute risk. Chapter 4: (82kb) Exposure ... fish. Chapter 6: (60kb) Quantifying Exposure with generic exposure rate equations, consumption rate, exposure frequency and duration, averaging time ... More from this site

Ecotecture | Major Doug Rokke interview | Depleted Uranium Munitions
The United States and ... Ladies and gentlemen, you must know that the Gulf War I casualty rate is not the 766 that’s published in the World Almanac. ... ... Ladies and gentlemen, you must know that the Gulf War I casualty rate is not the 766 that’s published in the World Almanac. ...

Animal testing, does it prove anything?
Considering the lack of knowledge on safe exposure levels for humans, this claim is doubtful. Most manufacturers of pesticides ... more sensitive people. These groups of people may be adversely affected by a much smaller exposure rate. Another criticism is that tests are only for exposures to pure active ingredients. In fact ...

Browntail wagging the dog?
The pesticide exposure rate is a great deal less than if your neighbor is throwing Sevin all around." When ...

Refinery Reform Campaign
Walters Law firm, Ryan's blood disorder was caused by exposure to benzene through inhalation, ingestion and dermal absorption of benzene and ... lived nearby the refinery 49 years of her life, placed her exposure rate in a 24 hour day at 85 to 90 percent during ... Institute had released a report in 1948 warning refineries that benzene exposure at any level was unsafe. During the refinery's expansion ...

"Ask the Experts" Category: Doses and Dose Calculations
Between Radionuclide Gamma Emission and Exposure Rate What is Dose? What Units ... exposure Q779 – Dose from a rectangular slab Q886 – Dose from a rectangular source Q984 – Dose rate from Pu-SWG Q990 – Dose rate of radium-226 Q1004 – Dosimetry in the 1950s at weapons facilities Q1314 – Nuclear fuel crack Q1356 – Radioactive materials in camera lens Q1488 – What is the exposure rate ...

"Ask the Experts" Category: Radiation Basics
Work Safely Around Radiation? Radiation Basics Radioactivity Units Relationship Between Radionuclide Gamma Emission and Exposure Rate What is Radiation? What Is Radioactive Contamination? What Types of Radiation Are There? ... Q3549 – Beta quality factor Q4307 – Calculate activity of beta emitter from exposure rate measurements Q4510 – "Weak" and "soft" emitters Q4616 – Range of beta particle ... More from this site

National Council on Radiation Protection & Measurements (NCRP) - Radiation Exposure Data, Radiation Protection Guidelines
Protection & Measurements (NCRP) - Radiation Exposure Data, Radiation Protection Guidelines NCRP Publications Browse NCRP Publications > Informing the public about radiation exposure and protection NCRP’s mission ... Photographs > Presentations from the 2008 Annual Meeting, Low Dose and Low Dose-Rate Radiation Effects and Models > NCRP Commentary No. 20, Radiation Protection and Measurement ...

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