mottled sculpin eggs

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IISG Projects - Habitats & Ecosystems
Hence an equivalent weight, volume, or number of mottled sculpin eggs ... interference. Male round gobies may evict defending mottled sculpins to take over a spawning shelter. The round gobies also consume the mottled sculpin eggs. It may be feasible to ...

IAGLR-Hydrolab Best Student Poster Award
Loyola University Chicago Comparing the effects of the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) and mottled sculpin (Cottus bairdi) on benthic invertebrate community structure 2000 Sheila McNair, McMaster University Epiphyton ... , University of Windsor Female mate choice in round gobies: large males or fake eggs? 1998 John A. Burt, University of Windsor Chironimidae (Diptera) deformities in Great Lakes ...