setback requirements

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Controversy Over Permit to Rebuild Taylor Camps on Allagash Wilderness Waterway
LURC’s non-conforming use and shoreline setback requirements and assured the commission that the Taylor camps project is consistent with "many management guidelines ...

Chapter 173-350 WAC, Solid Waste Handling Standards - Solid Waste Facilities - Solid Waste and Financial Assistance Program - Washington State Department of Ecology
WAC. Meet all applicable performance and design requirements, other than location or setback requirements, ... Reference More Detailed Draft Model Ordinance Annual Reporting Requirements Annual reports are required of various facilities that fall under the requirements of chapter 173-350 WAC, Solid Waste ... - Section Reporter
The Developer argued that a successor corporation ... who had retained rights to approve waivers to the restrictive covenants, had waived the setback requirements. The trial court, however, found that the documentation relied on by the Developer ...

NYC Comprehensive Waterfront Plan
They would establish specific height and setback requirements and regulate uses, bulk and height on piers and platforms. Many of the ... and public access requirements would limit height, achievable floor area, and the placement of development on existing piers. Water dependent uses would be exempt from these requirements. Existing platforms ...

Yard Waste
A minimum 100 foot setback to all habitable structures and a minimum 50 foot setback to all non-habitable structures is required. Q: Do the open burning setback requirements apply ... permit. Q: What are my options if my burning area does not meet the minimum setback requirements? A: Please visit the Department’s webpage at or call us at ...

One's View of Mt. Rainier - Open Spaces Magazine
Code's height limit. Today's lot sizes, height limits, lot coverage limits, and setback requirements were devised with an entirely different style of house in mind. Worse is view-blocking ...

Sourcebook Programmable Thermostat
REGULATORY: Thermostats must be wired according to electrical code requirements. Most thermostats are low voltage devices. However, electric heat systems generally require "line voltage ... cooling and heating modes. Sensing of outdoor conditions so that recovery from a setback setting can occur in a timely manner. Manual program override. Operation on electricity ...

Energy Federation Utility Division Capabilities
Maybe the product ENERGY STAR® bulb or water saving showerhead you give to them ...

SETBACK - A device (usually programmable), containing a clock mechanism, which can automatically change the inside temperature maintained by the HVAC system according to a preset schedule. The heating or cooling requirements can ...

These loopholes must be addressed before the proposed rules are deemed to have met the requirements of the law. Funding Given the scope of the polluted runoff problem, technical and financial ... program and, if the program is weakened, would be a major environmental and public health setback for the American people. Poll after poll has demonstrated Americans' overwhelming support for clean water ...